Pool Leak/Pool Plumbing Pressure Tester/Pool Leak Detector/Swimming Pool Leak Detector

This post contains affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases This kit will help you pressure test your pool plumbing and find out if you have a leaking pipe or not. test your own pool plumbing and save big. One service call for a pressure test could cost – $200.00 – $300.00 –  This

This post contains affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases

This kit will help you pressure test your pool plumbing and find out if you have a leaking pipe or not. test your own pool plumbing and save big. One service call for a pressure test could cost – $200.00 – $300.00 –  This buy it now sale is for a new pressure testing set up that will make it possible for you to air test or water test your own pool plumbing just like a pro. This kit comes with an adapter set up on a quick disconnect that will let you test with water or test your pool plumbing using air .  The kit comes complete with 4 open center test plugs that will fit all your 1 1/2″ and 2″ plumbing . shipped assembled and ready for use. AIR COMPRESSOR NOT INCLUDED. ADDITIONAL PLUGS WILL BE NEEDED TO PLUG THE OTHER END OF THE LINE OR LINES YOU ARE TESTING.  ANY SMALL COMPRESSOR CAN WORK like one used for tires or to operate a nail gun. We use a small oilless compressor that is light and easy carry around. A 1/3 hp is more then you will need.   Comes with detailed instructions on how to perform a test

This post contains affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases